DigiTeacher project launched in East Africa

Reading Time: 2 min read

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Three East African Universities – Busitema University, Uganda, Egerton University, Kenya, and Dar es Salaam University College of Education, Tanzania – collectively launched a project called DigiTeacher, in August 2016, to tackle the challenges arising from the integration of information and communication technologies (ICT) in teaching and learning in the region.

Through the DigiTeacher project, the three universities will: (i) design a Postgraduate Diploma/Certificate in ICT Integration in Education (PGDIE), adapting course material from the Commonwealth Certificate for Teacher ICT Integration (CCTI); (ii) facilitate training in ICT integration; (iii) establish DigiTeacher centres in the different universities; and (iv) conduct joint research on ICT integration.

The project was the result of a training workshop organised jointly this past May by COL, Singapore’s Technical Cooperation Directorate, Singapore’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Singapore National Institute of Education.

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