COL imagines a future where education is an accessible, safe and rewarding experience for all. This is why gender equality and inclusion underpin each of the objectives that COL has set out to achieve under our 2021-2027 Strategic Plan.
We accept that diversity and understanding the richness of our multiple identities are fundamental to the Commonwealth’s principles and approach. Charter of the Commonwealth (Commonwealth Heads of Government, 2013)
Gender Mainstreaming in ODL/OER/TEL
We are redoubling efforts to build capacities and strategies for gender mainstreaming, within government decision-making bodies, learning institutions, teachers, and community-based organizations, so that policies and programmes will reduce gender gaps in education at all levels.
COL will follow a twin-track approach for linking targeted and mainstreaming approaches for strengthening work on gender equality. Gender mainstreaming is a corporate strategy of COL, and will be integral to all activities, combined with specific measures to eliminate or prevent gender inequalities.
COL will continue to develop tools, resources, and foster thought leadership on gender equality in ODL, OER and TEL.
The targeted approach will seek to identify and address gender inequalities in the contexts in which COL works. Emphasis will be placed on strengthening the skills and leadership of women and girls, and addressing boy’s underperformance in specific regions, through training and mentorship.
Boys’ Education and Underperformance
Through our partners in the Boys’ Education and Underperformance project, COL is providing learning opportunities and resources for boys that build positive relationships, leadership skills, mentorship opportunities, and approaches to education that allow their voices to be heard in their communities and in their education systems.
We are implacably opposed to all forms of discrimination, whether rooted in gender, race, colour, creed, political belief or other grounds. Charter of the Commonwealth (Commonwealth Heads of Government, 2013)
ICT Leadership for Women and Girls
Through the ICT Leadership for Women and Girls project, COL delivers ICT skills training for professional women in education, and policymakers, and fosters ongoing dialogue and resources on how to make wise use of technology for safe and inclusive education experiences. and builds broader ICT and leadership skills for girls and women to thrive in the digital age.
The project also fosters leadership in ICT education and career pathways, where, just as ICT careers grow in number and importance, the participation of women and girls remains at levels of extreme inequality, in developing and developed countries alike. The project will explore what works, to move the dial forward across the Commonwealth, and invest in what is required to sustain that kind of change. The project also builds broader leadership skills for girls and women to thrive in the digital age.
The advancement of women’s rights and the education of girls are critical preconditions for effective and sustainable development. Charter of the Commonwealth (Commonwealth Heads of Government, 2013)
Available at: Brochure