The Education sector supports formal education from secondary to tertiary levels across the Commonwealth, particularly in the small states, and has four initiatives.
Open Schooling
Promotes the use of open, distance and e-learning to improve learning opportunities for children who are out of school, especially women and girls, and those who are in school but not learning effectively.
Teacher Education
Aims to increase institutional capacity in OER, ODL and educational technologies, for quality training of teacher educators and teachers.
Higher Education
Works with ministries and higher-education institutions to increase equitable access to quality tertiary education that leads to employability, entrepreneurship and prepares learners for the jobs of the future.
Virtual University for Small States of the Commonwealth (VUSSC)
Works with ministries, agencies, professional bodies and civil society in the 32 small states of the Commonwealth to implement a range of ODL activities aimed at strengthening post-secondary education and training.