COL is offering a hands-on, activity-based course to help teachers in the Pacific and beyond improve their digital skills. Using free and open-source software, participants will learn how to develop teaching materials for their classrooms and share them as Open Educational Resources (OER).
‘Digital Skills for OER Sharing’ will be offered from 15 September to 8 October 2021 and requires a weekly time commitment of three to five hours. Participants who successfully complete the course will receive a Certificate of Completion.
Participants will learn what constitutes an OER and ways to apply knowledge of the six Creative Commons open licenses. They will be able to search for openly licensed images and audio for reuse, and gain hands-on experience to remix content, images as well as produce audio graphics for use in their classrooms.
The course is offered under the Partnership for ODFL in the Pacific – a five-year project funded by the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Trade to support enhancing capacity and efficiency of education sectors in the Pacific through greater use of innovative delivery mechanisms and technology.
Dr Tony Mays, COL Education Specialist: Open Schooling, and one of the project leads, observes: “The new course empowers teachers to create curriculum-based OER, contributing to the growth of national and regional OER communities of practice.”
For more details or to register, please visit: https://pacificopencourses.col.org/ds4oers/