Blending the features of Internet technology with a delivery system via phone calls, mobiMOOCS provide an opportunity to use scalable learning. COL has been supporting the Andhra Pradesh State Cooperative Bank (APCOB) to deliver “Business Development for Primary Agricultural Cooperative Society (PACS): Credit and non-credit” to more than 900 staff.
In the framework of this activity partnered by L3F, the CEO of APCOB hosted an evaluation meeting with participation of the bank’s senior management, COL Vice President, staff and consultants.
Feedback was overwhelmingly positive, with learners appreciating the content and ease of delivery of the mobiMOOC. APCOB senior management have concluded that this presents opportunities to scale it up further.
Dr Moses Tenywa, COL Education Specialist: Agriculture and Livelihoods, said: “This partnership will serve as role model for the banks working to improve farm credit management in the Commonwealth and demonstrate how capacity building for credit management can be achieved at a low cost.”