The Commonwealth of Learning (COL) recognises and honours excellence in open, distance and technology-enabled learning at every Pan-Commonwealth Forum on Open Learning through the Excellence in Distance Education Awards (EDEA). The 2019-2022 awards will be presented at the Tenth Pan-Commonwealth Forum on Open Learning (PCF10) which will take place in Calgary, Canada from 14 to 16 September 2022, jointly organised with Athabasca University.
The Excellence in Distance Education Awards are highly valued by recipients in recognition of achievement by institutions/organisations and individuals around the Commonwealth and are designed to recognise advances in:
- institutional achievement;
- the development of learning materials, including Open Educational Resources (OER); and
- innovations in distance and online learning.
Institutions and individuals engaged in open, distance and technology-enabled learning are invited to make a submission for these awards.
Submission deadline is 30 April 2022.
For more details about the award categories and submission requirements, click here