Cameroon: COL supports national ODL policy development for higher education

Reading Time: 3 min read

A capacity-building workshop on open and distance learning (ODL) policy development was recently held for national stakeholders in Cameroon with the support of the Commonwealth of Learning (COL), in collaboration with Cameroon’s Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE), underscoring the importance of collective action in shaping the future of education.

During the opening session, Professor Wilfred Gabsa, Secretary-General in the Ministry, asserted, “The Minister of State for Higher Education, whom I am greatly honoured to represent, sends his sincere greetings and gratitude to COL for facilitating this meeting.”

Professor Gabsa referenced a recent law on higher education policy highlighting the need to digitally transform education in the sub-sector for enhanced access to quality education. To this end, the MoHE sought technical assistance from COL towards developing a national ODL policy to guide its implementation. Professor Atsa Etoundi Roger, Director of Information Systems and Coordinator for the e-national Education Network at the MoHE noted, “We have gathered here to collaborate on strategies that will shape the future of education in our country. The workshop’s focus is timely, considering the rapid transformations in the educational landscape and the increasing demand for open and distance learning opportunities for all.”

Workshop participants gained knowledge of best practices for implementing and developing ODL policy and validated a draft outline for the new policy.  Once finalised, the draft policy, along with the implementation framework, will be developed for review and validation at a COL-facilitated event.

Professor Jane-Frances Agbu, COL’s Adviser: Higher Education, commented, “COL is committed to supporting government and institutions towards mainstreaming open and distance learning for enhanced access to education. Higher education stakeholders in Cameroon will be guided to finalise and validate the ODL policy document in the coming months, including support for the policy implementation.”

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