COL supported The Gambia College in developing an open and distance learning (ODL) policy and strategic implementation plan where 30 stakeholders came together in a workshop in March. These stakeholders included participants from the College, the Ministry of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology (MoHERST) and the Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education.
The Director of Higher Education at MoHERST, Mr Anthony Mendy, emphasised the importance of taking ownership of the policy and pledged support to The Gambia College management in finalising both the ODL policy and the strategy. He said, “This initiative should be an operational instrument for quality use to support the implementation of ODL at the College.”
Mr Mendy explained that the ODL policy should guide the College in its effort to provide flexible, accessible and inclusive opportunities for teacher education and professional development through online and distance learning modalities.
The Principal of The Gambia College, Mr Aboubacarr Jallow expressed pride in the work accomplished during the five-day workshop.
He also conveyed his gratitude to COL for the achievements made through its support in leveraging ODL to increase access and improve the quality of teacher education.
COL Adviser: Teacher Education, Dr Evode Mukama commented, “COL lauds The Gambia College’s participatory approach for institutional strategy and development, which bodes well for the policy’s success.”