The Commonwealth Of Learning has just released its much-anticipated IGO report, “Transforming Education for Climate Action: Report to Commonwealth Ministers of Education.”
10 months in the making, the detailed report is a 43-page intensively-researched and evidenced-based action plan detailing the existential threat of climate change on the education sector within the Commonwealth. The report also provides empirical data that indicates Open and Distance Learning (ODL), or blended learning modes, can help decrease emissions by reducing face-to-face contact hours within traditional school classrooms.
The three-part COL-published report also demonstrates how the global climate crisis presents an unprecedented global challenge, which can also be an opportunity for Commonwealth ministers of education to demonstrate what science-driven, justice-centred, and civic-minded climate leadership can do to help put small island developing states and climate-vulnerable countries on a path to climate resilience and climate justice.
“Transforming Education for Climate Action: Report to Commonwealth Ministers of Education” provides a comprehensive roadmap for how ministers of education can climate-proof education systems, implement a green learning agenda that builds skills for blue and green economies, and promote education for climate action through policy development, resource allocation and effective implementation. The peer-reviewed recommendations also focus on the vital issues of quality, equity and justice.
COL’s President and CEO, Professor Asha Kanwar, commented on this landmark publication:
“This is an extremely timely report as ODL becomes a vital educational methodology, especially in the wake of the global climate crisis. COL has initiated several activities to promote environmental conservation through education and training by leveraging appropriate technologies. COL’s work promotes the four Rs: reducing carbon emissions, raising awareness about climate change, reskilling for a greener future, and building resilience in the education sector.”
The report can be downloaded in its entirety here.