COL consultant Prof Muhammad Junaid welcomed Mr Nabieu Kamara, the Director of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology of Sierra Leone and twenty-two participants to a Project Design Workshop for the Integrated In-service Teacher Training (INSET) Model from 20 to 21 June 2017 at Freetown Teachers College. The purpose of the workshop was to explore ways of strengthening the existing distance education programme through a holistic teacher development model.
Participants developed a work plan for implementing the INSET model using a school-based approach. Horizontal learning is at the foundation of the school-based approach where teachers discuss common problems, share experiences and brainstorm solutions to challenges through learning clusters.
“I would like to express my profound thanks to COL for its support to FTC and, by extension, to all the teachers and pupils of the country,” said Mr Kamara. “These efforts will contribute to improving the quality of education throughout the country.”
COL’s Teacher Education initiative focuses on providing innovative, relevant and pedagogically sound training and continuous professional development opportunities for teachers around the Commonwealth to equip them to deliver quality education.