To address the growing need for localised and inclusive resources in teacher training in Africa, the Commonwealth of Learning (COL) recently supported a three-day workshop on creating, adapting, and using open educational resources (OER). The workshop at the Wits School of Education brought together 22 participants from Botswana, Nigeria, Rwanda, and South Africa, including senior education officials.
In his opening remarks, Dr Justinus Setshedi, Director for Teacher Professional Development at the Department of Higher Education, South Africa, emphasised the need for policies to support the integration of OER into African teacher education programmes, adding that “Developing an OER policy tailored for teacher education in South Africa is not just a goal. It is a necessity if we are to address the unique challenges faced by our learners and teachers.”
This activity addresses findings from a recent study involving institutions in Botswana, Nigeria, Rwanda, and South Africa. The study highlighted that 85 percent of teacher educators need further training in open educational practices (OEP), emphasising the need for capacity-building initiatives.
The sessions introduced participants to key concepts and strategies for creating, adapting, and sharing OER in teacher education. Topics included the foundational principles of OER, evaluating resources relevant to the African context, adapting materials to meet local needs, and licensing resources under Creative Commons.
The workshop also featured case studies on how OER has enhanced education outcomes, opportunities for global collaboration, and resources available through regional OER networks. Participants reflected on how these strategies could address systemic challenges in teacher education, such as improving resource accessibility and enhancing teacher competencies across different countries.
COL’s Education Specialist for Teacher Education, Dr Betty Ogange, stated, “By building the capacity of teacher educators to create and use localised OER, we are not only strengthening teaching practices but also laying a foundation for equitable and contextually relevant education systems across Africa.”
The workshop concluded with participants collaboratively designing a roadmap to co-develop an OER module for teacher education, scheduled for completion in February 2025.