The Commonwealth of Learning (COL) recently supported stakeholders of The Gambia’s Ministry of Higher Education, Research, Science & Technology (MoHERST) and the National Accreditation and Quality Assurance Authority (NAQAA) to develop guidelines for quality assurance (QA) of ODL provision. The QA standards will be deployed in higher education institutions, including the University of The Gambia, where COL is already assisting in their deployment.
Specific objectives included enhanced understanding of quality assurance (QA) in ODL, strengthening policy implementation skills, promoting best practices in ODL QA, developing capacity for QA assessment, defining metrics for QA in ODL, and encouraging the adaptation of new technologies.
Speaking on behalf of the Permanent Secretary, Ms Ndey Fatou Trawally, Deputy Permanent Secretary for Administration and Finance of MoHERST, said that the Ministry is highly indebted to COL for the support it has provided and continues to provide to support the Ministry in its efforts towards ODL sustainability. Ms Trawally noted that The Gambia and other West African countries have also benefitted from COL’s capacity-building initiatives through the Regional Training Institute for Distance and Open Learning (RETRIDOL). She went on to say that the workshop presented a unique opportunity for The Gambia to ensure that the necessary tools to administer ODL are available and applicable to the sector’s needs. Thus, the Ministry will look forward to receiving comprehensive assessment standards for ODL Institutions and Programmes at the end of the workshop.
Principal Research Officer and the Ministry’s Gender Focal Person, Ms Kumba Jammeh, highlighted some other recent interventions from COL, including developing the Ministry’s Gender Scorecard and the ongoing Gender and Inclusion Policy process for Tertiary and Higher Education. She reiterated that these are a testament to the close working relationship between The Gambia and COL and help in furthering the transformation agenda of the Ministry.
During the workshop, stakeholders were supported in developing two draft documents on quality assurance standards for ODL programmes and institutions. With COL support, stakeholders are currently finalising the draft documents, which will be validated and presented to the government for approval.
Professor Jane-Frances Agbu, COL’s Adviser: Higher Education, highlighted COL’s support in developing and validating a national ODL policy in 2023, while the recent workshop contributed to the advancement of strategies for ODL and QA for institutions and programmes.