In partnership with the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL), COL has launched a new publication, Guidelines on open and distance learning for youth and adult literacy. It addresses a gap in literacy provision by presenting open and distance learning (ODL) principles and practices to illustrate how learning and education can be delivered at a distance.
In the foreword, Professor Asha Kanwar, COL President and CEO, noted: “Written with an eye to the limited technological and financial resources available to many literacy training providers, the guidelines … provide a systematic approach that can be adapted for many different contexts around the world.”
The publication is divided into two main parts – presenting practical guidance in planning, development, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation; as well as considering the various technologies that are used for ODL programmes and could support youth and adult literacy learning.
According to Professor Kanwar, the guidelines “will help Member States and literacy training providers not only to design, develop and deliver quality ODL programmes but also to measure the impact of such interventions.”