The November 2020 issue of Journal of Learning for Development (JL4D), COL’s open access online scholarly journal, is now available. The 18 papers and one book review in this volume are related to the COVID-19 pandemic and innovative teaching-learning in difficult or underdeveloped contexts.
In the editorial, Professor Santosh Panda, Jl4D chief editor, wrote that in the post-pandemic setting, “more will depend on our collective understanding of ‘learning’, and how this will be facilitated within the broader contour of ‘education’.” He expressed hope that papers included in the current issue will motivate “further reflection and necessary action, which is crucial during and post-COVID ‘learning for development.’ “
Invited papers include “The Impact of COVID-19 on International Higher Education: New Models for the New Normal”, an article co-authored by COL President and CEO Professor Asha Kanwar and Ms Alexis Carr, COL’s Monitoring & Evaluation Manager.
Since 2014, JL4D has been providing a forum for the publication of research with a focus on innovation in learning, in particular but not exclusively open and distance learning, and its contribution to development. Content includes interventions that change social and/or economic relations, especially in terms of improving equity.