Harnessing the potential of ODL and technologies to promote gender equality is one of COL’s key priorities. In a bid to develop gender-responsive training resources, the National Teachers Institute (NTI) in Kaduna hosted a Gender Analysis workshop in September 2019 with support from COL.
The workshop focussed on reviewing the Green Teacher Nigeria handbooks and other resources for gender responsiveness. It was attended by 25 participants who were welcomed by Mr Ndem Y. Ndem, the Director of Academic Services and Chair of the Green Teacher core team.
Participants identified key elements for promoting gender equality and empowerment by applying various gender evaluation tools, including COL’s Learning Resources Gender Evaluation Checklist. They were introduced to the outcomes of the gender evaluation study conducted earlier by NTI.
COL’s Adviser: Teacher Education, Dr Betty Ogange, said: “Gender-responsive course development is important in promoting gender equality and empowerment, both of which are critical for the realisation of sustainable outcomes in the environmental education programme.”