With just primary-level education, Pius Oduor Ongaro had struggled to support his family of five. A welcome break for this 32-year-old Kenyan came through an initiative facilitated by COL in his native Siaya county. An acquaintance told Pius about the benefits of joining a seed savings and credit co-operative organisation (SACCO).
Through Siaya Seed SACCO, Pius received training in financial literacy and was able not only to improve his livelihood but also to discover his leadership potential. He set up a self-help group in his village to promote poultry and other agricultural livelihood enterprises. The group now has 40 members, the majority of them women, and some are living with disability.
All group members have expanded their knowledge through COL’s trainings and have been able to access credit. They are working together to breed chickens and grow vegetables for sale to hotels and restaurants. They were able to keep the business running during Covid, and some members earned enough money to pay for their children’s schooling.
“With COL’s support, Pius has become a true community mobiliser and role model to other youth,” said Evans Martine Owiye, a Siaya Seed Sacco business officer who facilitates financial literacy. “We greatly admire his commitment to involving all generations in learning and enterprise development.”