Ms Diomelda Thomas participates in L3F from Missenyi District in Tanzania. She is a member of Matumaini Mapya Savings and Credit Cooperative Society (MMSACCO). Having gone through MMSACCO’s financial literacy programme, she formed a self-help group of six members (three males and three females). The group initiated table banking along other activities such as poultry keeping and horticulture. They learned, saved and borrowed. The learning took place through weekly group meetings, listening to radio programmes and using mobile phones. It was facilitated by MMSACCO, agricultural extension officers and community development officers. Diomelda appreciates that the L3F extension model has helped her increase her household income from an average of TZS 7,000 ($4 CAD) in 2013 to TZS 160,000 ($91 CAD) in 2017.
“Joining L3F helped me to gain skills in managing my finances as well as running a successful business. I have been able to share the knowledge received through L3F with many other members of my community,” says Diomelda.