Leadership training in Teacher Professional Development held in The Gambia

Reading Time: 3 min read

COL, in collaboration with the Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education (MoBSE) and The Gambia College, held a two-day workshop for education leaders on 28 – 29 January 2019 at the Brikama Campus. The workshop focused on Leadership in Teacher Professional Development as part of the Teacher Futures – The Gambia project which aims to improve secondary school level teacher quality through technology-enabled school-based learning.

Forty education leaders attended the workshop including: education officers from MoBSE, the In-Service Education unit and the regional education offices; representatives from the Ministry of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology (MHERST); and principals, vice principals and senior teachers representing nineteen secondary schools.

Mrs Amie Njie Camara from MHERST stated the Ministry’s support towards the success of the project and said, “This project is expected to increase the number of teachers receiving professional development, reduce costs and introduce teachers to the use of technology in teaching and learning.”

Mrs Fatou Touray Minteh, representing MoBSE, urged all school principals and their deputies to be creative, innovative and to adapt to new initiatives while Mr Aboubacarr Jallow, Principal of The Gambia College encouraged all teachers to take part in the school-based training.

Dr Betty Ogange, COL’s Adviser: Teacher Education, said that “education leaders within and outside the school are key in school-based teacher professional development. Further to this workshop, we hope that the participants will set the appropriate conditions for collaboration and reflective dialogue to promote professional learning in the teacher communities.”

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