The Commonwealth of Learning (COL’s) Empowering Women and Girls project is being implemented in Malawi through its regional partners, the Centre for Research and Development Initiative and Concerned Youth Organization. Together, these partners have enabled education for 549 girls to date in the rural and remote districts of Balaka, Blantyre, Neno and Mchinji.
One of the project’s intermediate outcomes is the attainment of improved and equitable lower secondary education among women and girls, including women and girls with disabilities, from disadvantaged communities. Thus, to enhance access to quality education, COL provided AptusPi devices and trained teachers at identified schools in the four districts to integrate this technology into their teaching.
On a recent visit to eight of the participating schools, COL Senior Adviser: Women and Girls, Ms Frances Ferreira, monitored the project’s progress while hearing first-hand from the girls on the impact of the introduction of technology into their education.
At a Secondary School in Mchinji, 16-year-old Amina, a Form 4 (Grade 12) student, shared her experience:
“Since the Aptus was introduced on our campus, I have regarded it as another teacher. We have very few teachers here, but I can access educational materials anytime with Aptus. I would like to thank COL for bringing this device to my school. I can now have discussions with my fellow students on several lessons that our teacher uploaded on the Aptus. We were struggling to access educational materials in the past, but now that is history. With this device, I can see my dream of becoming a doctor coming true.”
Many learners and teachers have praised the AptusPi, highlighting it as an invaluable resource, especially for science subjects. Its effectiveness in enhancing understanding and engagement in these areas has made it a favourite among educational tools.
Ms Ferreira commented on the project’s impact. “It was so rewarding to see the joy in their eyes and the smiles on their faces when they told me this project brought hope to them. We still have a long way to go, but this is progress.”
COL’s Empowering Women and Girls project is supported by Global Affairs Canada.