The Commonwealth of Learning, in partnership with the Tamil Nadu University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (TANUVAS) and Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (IITK), is offering a new agMOOC aimed at improving animal husbandry practices in developing countries.
“Management of Infertility in Cattle” targets practicing veterinarians, as well as veterinary students and interns and will run between 31st August 2021 and 15th October 2021. This online course, open to all interested learners, covers six key topics of infertility problems frequently facing the field veterinarians. Participation and Competency certificates will be jointly issued by the three partners.
While the number of MOOCs presently exceeds 40,000, globally there are fewer than 20 MOOCs on veterinary topics; this course will be among them.
Dr Moses Tenywa, COL Education Specialist: Agriculture and Livelihoods, said: “This is the first time a veterinary MOOC is offered by an institution in a developing country, and it will contribute to building the capacity of personnel engaged in delivering veterinary extension services.”
Over 2,000 participants have already registered in the agMOOC. For more information on how to join the course, please visit: www.agmoocs.in