Online training for Angular web framework starting October 2019

Reading Time: 2 min read

A free, three-month online training programme on the Angular web application framework will be available to engineering students in Commonwealth countries starting 1 October 2019. Organised by COL in collaboration with Amphisoft Technologies, this training programme will assist educational institutions in improving the employability of their graduates.

The programme will cover four modules:

  1. Aptitude for software development and work environment
  2. Building real websites using HTML and CSS
  3. JavaScript
  4. Angular from beginner to advanced

With over 220 hours of training, the programme consists of four hours of lecture videos, 210 hands-on practice exercises, 88 assessment exercises, 134 code analysis exercises, and practice through 415 knowledge-based questions. There will be 11 live masterclass sessions to enable participants to interact with mentors.

The training platform uses a robust practice-based skill development approach for self-learning and connects successful learners with prospective employers.

Dr Sanjaya Mishra, COL’s Education Specialist: eLearning said, “This is a pilot training programme on online training for advanced ICT skills development to improve the employability of engineering graduates across the Commonwealth.”

Amphisoft Technologies is an online training provider for industry-oriented, job/role-based software skills.

To register, please visit

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