The Pacific regional meeting of the Commonwealth of Learning (COL) Focal Points took place on 16th and 17th February 2018 in Fiji to strengthen the effectiveness of COL’s work in addressing key priorities for education and training in the region and to share information about developments related to learning for sustainable development. COL co-hosted the meeting with the Pacific Centre for Flexible & Open Learning for Development, located at the University of the South Pacific (USP).
In her opening remarks, COL President and Chief Executive Officer Professor Asha Kanwar said “As a Commonwealth organisation, it is part of our mission to promote Commonwealth-wide cooperation. The Commonwealth is often referred to as a family of nations that works through consensus, respect and understanding. These meetings serve to remind us of our shared values and our common identity as citizens of the Commonwealth.”
COL holds Focal Points’ meetings around the Commonwealth once every three years to obtain first-hand information of country priorities. This is the first meeting in the series planned for 2018. Eight Focal Points or their representatives from the 11 Member States attended the meeting.
The full text of the opening remarks and presentation can be found at these links: http://hdl.handle.net/11599/2856 and http://oasis.col.org/handle/11599/2857