Registration open for the MOOC on self-directed learning

Reading Time: 2 min read

The Commonwealth of Learning (COL) and North-West University, South Africa, are offering a massive open online course (MOOC) entitled ‘Self-directed learning for higher education’ in May 2024. After a very successful first run in 2023, this MOOC is again available and will be of particular interest to faculty and facilitators within the higher education sector. This four-week course runs from 6 – 31 May 2024.

The focus of the MOOC is on self-directed learning (SDL) – a crucial skill in the 21st century where students are expected to take responsibility for their own learning. This MOOC provides a concise introduction to SDL for faculty and facilitators in the higher education context. It covers the fundamental theoretical foundations of SDL, explores the typical characteristics of a self-directed learner, and guides on creating learner-centred and SDL-oriented learning environments.

On a more practical level, the MOOC focuses on the affordances of strategies, such as cooperative learning, problem-based learning and play-based learning, to foster SDL. Finally, the MOOC concludes with a section on the role of assessment in promoting SDL throughout the learning process.

For more information, download the brochure here.

To register for the MOOC, go to:

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