The use of ICT in teaching mathematics has gained a new appreciation due to the physical contact restrictions stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic. Schools have adapted to online and other forms of distance education. To ensure equitable access to meaningful learning during and beyond this period, it is critical for teachers to improve their skills in using various digital tools to develop resources that promote learner-centred pedagogy.
A four-week course, ‘Teaching Mathematics with Technology’ starting on May 2 will introduce grade 6-10 mathematics teachers to the use of GeoGebra, a free and open source graphic software application that enables teachers to create interactive lessons, student self-learning material, and other tools and resources to ease teaching of mathematical concepts.
After completing this online course, participants will be able to use the open source software to create resources for teaching math, access and contribute to the open educational repositories of GeoGebra and develop new teaching-learning practices.
Learn more and register here: https://www.mooc4dev.org/TMT2