Teachers in the Pacific trained to develop better assessment skills for online, distance and flexible learning

Reading Time: 3 min read

Over 650 teachers from the Pacific attended our massive open online (ODFL) in partnership with the Pacific Center for Flexible & Open Learning for Development (PACFOLD).

Through three challenges, the course attendees learned how to design their own activity-based assessments/exams, which technologies to use for online assessments, and ways to make those assessments context specific.

This course was offered as part of the Partnership for Open, Distance and Flexible Learning project supported by New Zealand’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, to enhance teachers’ capacity for online learning/teaching in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Dr Tony Mays, Education Specialist for Open Schooling at the Commonwealth of Learning (COL) and the leader for this course observed, “Transitioning from an emergency mode of remote teaching to a more sustainable longer-term engagement with ODFL, requires that we provide continuing practical professional development opportunities for teachers, rather than overwhelm the already over-worked teachers with too many new theoretical constructs.”

This course is part of a series of short open courses offered by COL for teachers in the Pacific, that includes using open educational resources for online learning, communication skills and assessment skills for ODFL. Learn more about these courses at: Pacific Open Courses.



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