A baseline survey conducted by the Commonwealth of Learning (COL) in collaboration with Freetown Teachers College (FTC), has revealed that teachers in Sierra Leone are receptive of technology-supported teacher professional development, despite infrastructural and internet connectivity challenges in their schools.
The study indicated that mobile technology is used by 55% of teachers and 70% of teacher educators in the institutions sampled, and that over 90% of these teachers and teacher educators prefer to use their mobile devices to not only access microlearning and eLearning resources, but to participate in online and messaging-based Communities of Practice. The survey was part of the preparatory activities for COL’s Teacher Futures programme in Sierra Leone that aims to improve teacher quality through school-based, technology-supported professional development. This programme helps to equip Teacher Education Institutions to deliver effective learning opportunities for sustainable development.
The survey team was led by Professor Muhammad Ibn Junaid, and comprised of five members of FTC staff who interviewed teachers and head teachers in 13 secondary schools, as well as staff at FTC.
Pictured above: Professor Muhammad Ibn Junaid (third left) with staff at King Fahad Junior Secondary School in Freetown, who participated in COL-supported baseline survey.