In this photo, Sarah Namukose (left) with another farmer.
Sarah Namukose, a 28-year-old farmer from Budaka district, Uganda, was lacking adequate skills and market information. She used to plant uncertified low-yield seeds and was unable to get a good price for her produce.
With support from COL’s Lifelong Learning for Farmers (L3F) programme, Sarah managed to build her financial literacy skills and improve her family’s livelihood. As a member of a local self-help group (SHG), she was able to learn about good agricultural practices through short audio lessons delivered to farmers via mobile phones and obtain a loan.
In Uganda, COL has partnered with m-Omulimisa to leverage the increasing mobile phone penetration to impart valuable knowledge. Mobile learning has been made available to farmers in their native Lango dialect. These farming groups also receive input loans through a microfinance support centre.
Using loan proceeds and audio tips on maize production, Sarah planted quality seeds. She applied recommended techniques and implemented other good agricultural practices. With additional information about current prices and markets for maize, she was then able to earn a seasonal income that was three times higher than before.
Sarah managed to pay off the loan to SHG and used the rest of the money to build a better house for her family. Next season she plans to farm more land with another input loan.