A three-day workshop on course development for Open and Distance Learning was recently conducted at the Centre for Distance and Online Education (CDOE), Vidyasagar University (VU), Medinipore, West Bengal, India.
Held in collaboration with the Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia (CEMCA), the regional centre of Commonwealth of Learning (COL), from 27-29 December 2022, the ODL workshop was one of the many planned activities undertaken by CDOE under the project ‘Development of Open Educational Resources (OER)’ for selected courses at VU.
The workshop, inaugurated by Vice-Chancellor Professor Shibaji Pratim Basu, involved 20 faculty members as participants.
The workshop witnessed several group discussions, peer learning sessions and hands-on activities to integrate multimedia in self-learning materials using the SLM as OER Open Educational Resources. Each participant was assigned to develop one module during the workshop – the outcomes of which were assessed during the concluding session.
Overall, participants expressed satisfaction with the productive activities, including identifying OER, developing draft course modules, and incorporating quizzes.
Dr B Shadrach, Director of CEMCA, stated, “The three-day workshop has been a great success in improving the capacity of staff at VU to design and develop courses using blended and online mode of delivery in line with the recommendations of the National Education Policy 2020 of India.”