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COL Technology News

Tonga Women in ICT: A beacon of empowerment and innovation

The Commonwealth of Learning (COL), with the support of the Ministry of…

Enhancing data resilience in Pacific education ministries

The Commonwealth of Learning (COL) recently concluded an important training workshop aimed…

Registration Open: COL’s Introduction to AI for IT and non-IT professionals course

The Commonwealth of Learning (COL), as part of its Virtual University for…

Samoa pioneers AI-powered learner support

Providing sustained, high-quality support to online learners can be challenging. It is…

AI-infused searches on the Web: Are there new costs to users?

By Dr Venkataraman Balaji, Vice President, COL In the November 2022 TechTrends…

COL’s “classroom without walls” enables mobile learning

Aptus/AptusPi, COL’s low-cost device allows educators and learners to connect to digital…

Schools in Antigua and Barbuda to use COL’s Aptus to bridge the information divide

To help minimise the disruption to learning brought about by COVID-19, COL…

COL launches Pacific Regional Channel

20 November 2020, Burnaby, Canada - At an online ceremony, the Commonwealth…

COL contributes to building education resilience in The Bahamas

In an online ceremony held on 19 November 2020, COL's President and…

Commonwealth of Learning supports The Bahamas to build resilience in education

17 November 2020, Burnaby, Canada - The Commonwealth of Learning (COL) has…

COL President speaks about using technology for literacy

COL President and CEO Professor Asha Kanwar participated in the General Meeting…

COL Introduces Accessibility Features on Website

With a view to empowering persons with disabilities and ensuring inclusiveness and…

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