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COL News

Tonga Women in ICT: A beacon of empowerment and innovation

The Commonwealth of Learning (COL), with the support of the Ministry of…

Supporting youth employability through e-apprenticeships via industry advisory committees

The Commonwealth of Learning (COL) is spearheading a range of initiatives to…

Enhancing teaching practices with AI in Sri Lanka

Educators in Sri Lanka gained foundational knowledge of AI and explored its…

The Gambia advances gender equality in higher education

Recently, the Ministry of Higher Education, Research, Science, and Technology (MoHERST), The…

Rooting for robots

The image above by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC By Dr…

Sierra Leone boosts quality of open learning to increase reach

There are not enough spaces in campus-based provision of higher education in…

St Vincent and the Grenadines: Making education resilient through Hurricane Beryl

The Commonwealth of Learning (COL) values its partners. In celebrating partners’ impact…

COL in Uganda: Mainstreaming gender for improved policy and service

The Commonwealth of Learning (COL) recognises that institutions can be catalysts for…

Engaging university students with ChatGPT in Cyprus

By Dr Jako Olivier Adviser: Higher Education Over the past year, generative…

From early motherhood to empowerment: Rebuilding life for women in Mozambique

The story of Ivete Augusto, 25, from Manhiça District, Mozambique, reflects common…

COL partnerships in Tanzania supporting farmers through microfinancing

Rising demand for microfinance services among smallholder farmers in Tanzania led to…

Resilience in TVET in Nigeria through standards for ODL

The Commonwealth of Learning (COL) promotes the use of open and distance…

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