The 10th Pan-Commonwealth Forum on Open Learning (PCF10) is just a day away.
The PCF conference, held every three years, brings ministers of educations, university vice-chancellors, senior officials, plus a range of educators and open and distance learning (ODL) practitioners from around the the Commonwealth and beyond.
Now, for the first time, this major international open, distance and technology-enabled learning event is being held in Canada from September 14th to 16th, 2022 at the TELUS Convention Centre in Calgary – the gateway to Canada’s breath-taking Rockies.
Co-hosted by the Commonwealth of Learning (COL) and Athabasca University (AU) Canada’s open university, this triennial event is considered one of the world’s leading conferences on ODL bringing hundreds together to learn, share and innovate on the application of open and distance learning towards increasing access to quality education and training to provide relevant skills for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship..
Day 1 (Sep 14, 2022) highlights include the Canada Country Showcase with Ms Claudette McGowan, Global Executive Officer, TD Bank and chaired by Professor Peter Scott, President, AU as well as the long established and highly anticipated Asa Briggs Lecture (held at each Pan-Commonwealth Forum on Open Learning honouring the founding chair of the COL Board of Governors) will be graciously presented this year by Professor Tim Blackman, Vice-Chancellor, The Open University, UK.
This year’s theme for PCF10’s is “Innovations for Educational Resilience” with four sub-themes:
- Building resilience;
- Fostering lifelong learning;
- Inspiring innovations; and
- Promoting equality & inclusion.
In each of the sub-themes, there will be a special focus on educating girls and emerging technologies for education and training.
#Commonwealth #conference #education
For additional event details, visit pcf10.org.
For communications and media information, please contact:
Bryan Alary Manager, Content and Media Relations Athabasca University 780-203-1988 (mobile) balary@athabascau.ca |
Dave Jackson Communications Manager Commonwealth of Learning 778-688-1161 (mobile) djackson@col.org |