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COL as an enabler: The Nigerian OER project as an example

By Professor Jane-Frances Agbu Adviser: Higher Education, COL The Paris OER Declaration…

Harnessing the Green Wave: A closer look at Nigeria’s innovative Green Teacher programme

By Dr Betty Ogange Education Specialist: Teacher Education, COL This year’s theme…

Sharing Open Resources: The Footprints of COL in Sub-Saharan Africa

By Dr Evode Mukama Adviser: Teacher Education, COL Education is a fundamental…

AI-infused searches on the Web: Are there new costs to users?

By Dr Venkataraman Balaji, Vice President, COL In the November 2022 TechTrends…

Digitisation and alternatives to campus-based provision: Reflections on a disaster-hit Vanuatu

By Dr Tony Mays Education Specialist, Open Schooling, COL From 27 to 30…

Fair Comment: This was not written by ChatGPT

By Dr Wayne Holmes, MA, MSc (Oxon), PhD (Oxon) University College London,…

UWI Five Islands Campus: Ready for take-off

By Professor Densil A. Williams Pro Vice-Chancellor and Campus Principal The University…

A snapshot of open universities in the Commonwealth: Teacher-student ratios in sharp decline

By Dr Jako Olivier COL Adviser: Higher Education The state of open…

#TECHTRENDS: What are the emerging trends in online search?

by Dr Venkataraman Balaji Vice President, COL Search is possibly the most…

Opening up access: Ensuring knowledge equity through open education

by Dr Jako Olivier Adviser: Higher Education Knowledge equity is highly relevant…

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