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BLP MOOC 8 starts January 15, 2023

COL’s Technology-Enabled Learning initiative provides guidance and support on systematic ways to…

Registration now open for MOOC on ‘Leading Change in Teaching and Learning’

The massive open online course (MOOC) on Leading Change in Teaching and…

Introduction to blockchain course starts September 1, 2022

The Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia (CEMCA), the regional centre of…

Inclusive Teaching and Learning Course Commences September 5, 2022

The Inclusive Teaching and Learning (ITL) course is now open for registration. The four-week…

COL and UNESCO UIL launch online courses on family and intergenerational literacy and learning

In order to strengthen the capacity of facilitators and educators in family…

Registration open for course on Authentic Assessment for Online Learning

Are you a postsecondary instructor, education administrator or digital learning enthusiast wanting…

Introduction to AI for IT and Non IT Professionals

25 April to 6 June 2022 This 6-week course introduces basic concepts…

New MOOC aims to contribute to post-pandemic educational recovery

In collaboration with the National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN), COL is…

Registration for new AgMOOC now open

Livestock, especially ruminants, are important for the economies of developing nations, improving…

Registration open for MOOC on leading change for a digital world

Managing and leading change in teaching and learning for a digital world…

Tenth Pan-Commonwealth Forum on Open Learning

From 14 to 16 September 2022, the Commonwealth of Learning and Athabasca…

BLP MOOC 7 starts on January 16

The next edition of the MOOC on Blended Learning Practice (BLPMOOC7) starts on 16…

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